Incentives for hiring R&D&I personnel in Spain and other foreign investment incentives

Incentives for hiring R&D&I personnel in Spain and other foreign investment incentives

Following our last post, when we talked about R&D tax incentives in Spain, we would like to introducce other advantages for innovative companies in Spain. There is a Social Security rebate for research personnel. It consists of the application of a 40% bonus on business contributions to Social Security contributions for common contingencies. It is applied immediately month to month in RNT (formerly known as TC2) and your request is voluntary.
Companies that have researchers dedicated exclusively to R&D&I (regardless of the tax classification of the project) may reduce the Social Security contributions payable by these researchers by up to 11.8% of their gross salary.

To qualify for this incentive, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Exclusive dedication to R&D&I (up to 15% of the time may be devoted to other tasks, such as training or dissemination activities). 
  2. Permanent contracts and contribution groups 1 to 4.
  3. Binding Reasoned Report type D must be obtained when 10 or more people are subsidised for more than three months in a fiscal year.

Besides this, those companies that our certified as Innovative SME, can also applied simultaneously the R&D tax rebates.

Moreover, Spain offers a highly attractive tax regime for foreign workers, especially expatriates. If they have not been residing in the country during the five tax periods prior to relocation, they can benefit from:

– A flat personal income tax rate of 24% on income up to €600,000 for the first six years.

– A tax rate of 47% for the first six years if income exceeds €600,000.

– Tax neutrality on income from savings earned abroad.

These taxes are only paid for the income whose origin is Spanish, in comparison with the global income criteria, applied to any other taxpayer in Spain.

Spain provides a tax neutrality regime for corporate restructuring operations, facilitating mergers, spin-offs or other structural reorganisations without incurring tax penalties. This ensures flexibility and efficiency in corporate decision-making processes.

In addition to the broader tax and financial incentives offered by Spain, there are specific geographical advantages and regional incentives that international companies should consider when establishing subsidiaries in the country:

– Spain has several Special Economic Zones (SEZs). They offer additional tax exemptions, incentives and regulatory advantages to companies operating within their boundaries. They are focused on various sectors such as technology or logistics. Companies can benefit from reduced corporate taxes, tariff exemptions, simplified regulatory processes and access to state-of-the-art infrastructure.

– The Spanish government together with regional authorities offer a variety of incentives to encourage investments in specific regions.These incentives aim to promote job creation and industrial growth in these areas. Also, investment projects eligible for regional incentives typically involve the creation of new establishments  or the modernisation of business operations. That means that they may include expenditures on civil engineering, capital equipment or preliminary studies.
Companies interested in benefiting from regional incentives must submit a standardised application form to the competent regional authority responsible for processing such incentives. Once approved, companies receive financial support in the form of non-refundable grants, interest subsidies on loans or reductions in social security contributions.

Therefore, international companies can strategically optimise their investment plans in Spain by taking advantage of location-specific advantages and regional incentives. Wether establishing operations in SEZs or targeting specific regions, companies can minimise costs and maximise returns.

As we can see, for multinational companies, startups and investors seeking a dynamic and innovation driven-environment, Spain offers a strategic and financially rewarding location to thrive in the global market.

Tax incentive schemes in Spain for R&D&I

Tax incentive schemes in Spain for R&D&I

According to the OECD, Spain is one of the most willing countries to promote RDI activities. Through Spain’s approach, the country gets to attract international companies and promote a favourable business environment. Spain maintains the corporate tax (impuesto de sociedades) rate at 23% for small and medium enterprises. That means it is possible to reduce the effective tax rate to approximately 20% through a series of specific incentives and tax exemptions.

Spain has some tax incentives to promote foreign investment and entrepreneurship. About tax incentives for RDI, foreign companies can benefit from:

–  Up to 42% corporate income tax credit for RDI activities.

– In case of insufficient income tax liability, Spanish regulations allow unused tax credits to be carried forward to RDI investments.

– Spain has one of the most advantageous patent box regimes in the EU. Up favourable to a 60% exemption of net income resulting from the use of certain intangible assets transferred or licensed to another entity.

– There are a large number of aid and incentive programs from Spanish and European administrations, with an emphasis on research, development and technology and innovation (RDTI).

The Spanish and European administrations offer numerous aid and incentive programmes, with a particular emphasis on research, development, technology and innovation (R&D&I). These initiatives are aimed at stimulating investment in cutting-edge industries and promoting economic growth. Spain’s tax system is designed to attract international business and investment.

International companies benefit from favourable tax adjustments due to 94 double tax treaties in force on five continents. Also, the ‘participation exemption’ scheme exempts 95% tax on dividends and capital gains of non-resident subsidiaries in Spain. The special tax regime for holding companies (Empresas de Tenencia Españolas – ETVE) allows dividends and capital gains on shares of subsidiaries to obtain a 95% tax exemption.

Companies with large corporate income quotas can reduce this corporate income tax by up to 50%. If a company generates a deduction for R&D&I that it cannot apply due to insufficient or non-existent quota, it has the possibility of accumulating it and applying it for 18 years, and it also has the option of applying to the tax authorities for its payment or monetisation (Art. 39.2 LIS).

This option allows -with a 20% discount- to request the tax authorities to make the tax deduction effective, as it reduces the corporate income tax liability up to 100% and receives the remaining part as a credit.

The deduction is different depending on the classification of the project. If it is classified as Research and Development, the deduction will be between 42% and 25% of the R&D expenditure, with two additional deductions: 17% of the cost of qualified researchers dedicated exclusively to R&D, and 8% of investments in assets dedicated exclusively to R&D. In the first year, the deduction generated can therefore be more than 59% of the R&D expenditure. If the project receives technological innovation tax qualification, the deduction will be 12% of the expenditure incurred on these activities.

There is also the possibility of transferring the right to these deductions to third parties in exchange for a certain return, through operations known as Tax Lease (or Mecenazgo Tecnológico). These operations consist of carrying out the R&D&I project on behalf of an Economic Interest Grouping (EIG), thereby transferring the right to the tax deduction to third parties (investors) who finance part of the project in exchange for obtaining a financial-tax return, as the difference between their contribution to the project and the tax savings derived from the tax losses and the R&D&I deductions applicable to them in proportion to their participation in the EIG. The ownership of the project subsequently reverts to its executor, by means of a repurchase agreement.

The Patent Box (Art. 23 LIS), mentioned above, promotes the assignment or transfer to third parties (in this case, except between related entities) of the right to use and exploit certain Intangible Assets (IA) derived from R&D&I projects. It allows a reduction in the corporate income tax base of up to 60% of the income obtained in these licensing or transfer operations. The intangible assets on which this reduction can be applied to the corporate income taxable base are: patents, utility models, complementary protection certificates for medicines and phytosanitary products, legally protected designs and models deriving from research and development and technological innovation activities, and advanced registered software deriving from research and development activities.

What are the new Computerised Invoicing Systems (CIS) and when do they come into force?

What are the new Computerised Invoicing Systems (CIS) and when do they come into force?

Royal Decree 1007/2023, of 5 December, approved the requirements to be adopted by the computer or electronic systems and programmes that support the invoicing processes of entrepreneurs and professionals, which are known as computerised invoicing systems or SIFs (also commonly known as VERI*FACTU, although this is only one of the SIFs contemplated). Its implementation has been delayed due to the lack of publication of the regulation, but the conditions for its implementation have now been established. The specific details and regulations governing this new electronic invoicing system were established in the ‘Crea y Crece’ law, enacted in September 2022.

It will be compulsory for all companies and self-employed workers who have a business activity and invoice digitally or with software used for this purpose. This covers invoices to companies, simplified invoices to consumers and any other electronic means of issuing documents supporting income. It does not affect, for example, the entrepreneur who invoices income on paper and does not keep an electronic or digital record. Companies that keep their VAT records through the Tax Agency’s electronic headquarters (SII-VAT) are not affected.

The Invoicing System will affect all revenue invoices issued. It does not matter whether the client company is a national company, an intra-Community operation or an export operation.

According to the published regulation, invoicing system providers will not be able to market any software that does not comply with the requirements of the SIF from 1 July 2025.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs will be obliged to use it from 1 January 2026, in the case of those who pay Corporate Tax (Limited Companies, Public Limited Companies, Civil Partnerships, etc.), while the deadline for the self-employed and those who pay Personal Income Tax will begin on 1 July 2026.

The main features of these systems are aimed at reinforcing the traceability and control of the invoicing of business income.

Among the two possible SIFs contemplated in the regulation, VERI*FACTU is included in the development of the Anti-Fraud Law. This has been promoted by the Tax Agency, and those who decide to use it will send invoices issued to the Tax Agency on a voluntary basis and in real time when they are issued.

What are the requirements for invoices under the new system?

– All invoices will carry a ‘tax’ QR code, on which the details of the invoice and the issuer can be read.

– They must have a ‘hash’ or digital fingerprint that provides information on the date and time the invoice was issued. This code prevents invoices from being modified.

– In addition, the system must ensure invoice traceability, preventing invoices from being substituted or not all invoices issued from being declared for tax purposes.

– Entrepreneurs who do not opt for a VERI*FACTU system and voluntarily send all invoices to the Tax Agency in real time must keep and ensure the integrity and unalterability of their invoice records for four years. Invoicing software shall be designed for this purpose.

– All invoices issued must be electronically signed by the entrepreneur.

The mandatory requirements to be met with the invoices issued shall not exempt or eliminate any other obligations concerning the keeping of accounting books and compliance with tax obligations. Therefore, even if the VERI*FACTU system is used, these obligations will remain the same.

¿Qué son los nuevos Sistemas Informáticos de Facturación (SIF) y cuándo entran en vigor?

¿Qué son los nuevos Sistemas Informáticos de Facturación (SIF) y cuándo entran en vigor?

El Real Decreto 1007/2023, de 5 de diciembre aprobó los requisitos que deben adoptar los sistemas y programas informáticos o electrónicos que soporten los procesos de facturación de empresarios y profesionales, que se denominan sistemas informáticos de facturación o SIF (también comúnmente conocido como VERI*FACTU, aunque este es solo uno de los SIF contemplados). Su aplicación ha sufrido retraso por la falta de publicación del reglamento, pero ya se han establecido los condicionantes para su puesta en marcha. Los detalles y normativas específicas que regirán este nuevo sistema de facturación electrónica fueron establecidos en la ley «Crea y Crece», promulgada en septiembre de 2022.

Será de obligado uso para todas las empresas y autónomos que tengan una actividad empresarial y facturen de forma digital o con un software usado para ello. Esto abarca las facturas a empresas, las facturas simplificadas a consumidores y cualquier otro medio electrónico de emisión de documentos justificativos de los ingresos. No afecta, por ejemplo, al empresario que realice sus facturas de ingresos en papel y no lleve un registro electrónico o digital. Quedan fuera aquellas compañías que lleven sus registros del IVA a través de la sede electrónica de la Agencia Tributaria (SII-IVA).

El Sistema de Facturación afectará a todas las facturas de ingresos emitidas. Da igual que la empresa sea nacional, o se trate de una operación intracomunitaria o exportación.

Según el reglamento publicado, las empresas proveedoras de sistemas de facturación no podrán comercializar ningún programa que no cumpla con los requisitos de los SIF desde el 1 de julio de 2025. 

Por otro lado, los empresarios deberán usarlo obligatoriamente desde el 1 de enero de 2026, en el caso de aquellos que tributen por Impuesto de Sociedades (Sociedades Limitadas, Sociedades Anónimas, Sociedades Civiles, etc), mientras que el plazo para autónomos y aquellos que tributen por IRPF comenzará el 1 de julio de 2026. 

Las principales características de estos sistemas van destinadas a reforzar la trazabilidad y el control de la facturación de los ingresos empresariales. 

Dentro de los dos posibles SIF que contempla la normativa, VERI*FACTU se incluye en el desarrollo de la Ley Antifraude. Éste ha sido impulsado por la Agencia Tributaria y, quiénes decidan acogerse a él, enviarán de forma voluntaria y en tiempo real las facturas emitidas a la Agencia Tributaria cada vez que se elaboren.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de las facturas con el nuevo sistema?:

– Todas las facturas llevarán un código QR «tributario», en ella se podrán leer los datos de la factura y del emisor de la misma.

– Tener un «hash» o huella digital que dé datos sobre la fecha y hora de la emisión de la factura. Con este código se evita que las facturas se puedan modificar.

– Además, el sistema deberá asegurar la trazabilidad de la facturación, evitando que se sustituyan facturas o no se declaren tributariamente todas las emitidas.

– Los empresarios que no opten por un sistema VERI*FACTU y envíen en tiempo real voluntariamente todas las facturas a la Agencia Tributaria, deberán conservar y asegurar la integridad e inalterabilidad de sus registros de facturas durante cuatro años. Los software de facturación deberán estar diseñados a tal efecto. 

– Todas las facturas emitidas deberán estar firmadas electrónicamente por el empresario.

Los requisitos obligatorios a cumplir con las facturas emitidas no eximirán ni eliminarán ninguna otra obligación referente a la llevanza de libros contables y cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias. Por tanto, incluso si se acoge al sistema VERI*FACTU, dichas obligaciones continuarán siendo las mismas. 

Apex Brasil selecciona a HS Asesores como consultores para el mercado español

Apex Brasil selecciona a HS Asesores como consultores para el mercado español

La Agencia brasileña para la promoción de las exportaciones y la inversión (Apex Brasil) nos ha seleccionado como una de las consultoras de referencia para ayudar a las empresas brasileñas que quieran invertir en España o realizar proyectos de innovación o comercialización en el país. Este organismo presta apoyo internacional al ecosistema empresarial del país, apoyándose en la experiencia y el saber hacer de consultoras locales, con amplia trayectoria en la inversión extranjera. 

De esta forma, HS Asesores ha sido referenciada para prestar apoyo en la implantación de empresas brasileñas en España, por su amplia experiencia en fiscalidad internacional, movilidad internacional de trabajadores y operaciones internacionales de apertura de filiales. Asimismo, prestaremos apoyo a empresas cariocas que quieran introducir sus productos en nuestro país, encontrando socios comerciales o clientes. El área de innovación es especialmente relevante, al ser Brasil el país más puntero en generación de un ecosistema de startups local potente. También, cuenta con instrumentos relevantes para la generación de actividades innovadoras en el país. Puesto que HS Asesores colabora desde hace décadas en la asistencia y la gestión de proyectos de innovación para diversos organismos, como la UE, el BERD o el BID, prestaremos ayuda a las empresas innovadoras brasileñas que necesiten pilotar o validar sus proyectos en suelo europeo, así como aumentar sus posibilidades de inversión.

Nuestra empresa ya cuenta con experiencia en proyectos entre Brasil y España y con una red de socios en el país latinoamericano, con el que trabajamos conjuntamente para la generación de oportunidades de negocio e inversión, a través de diversos foros, como GMEC (Global Market Entry Consultants).

Sumamos así un nuevo organismo internacional que nos referencia para prestar este tipo de servicios, como Business Finland, Entreprise Ireland o Switzerland Global Entreprise.

Switzerland Global entreprise selects HS Asesores to support Swiss companies in Spain

Switzerland Global entreprise selects HS Asesores to support Swiss companies in Spain

Switzerland Global Enterprise is the Swiss Government entity in charge of promoting and facilitating the export of Swiss companies and investment in the country. To provide these support services, it collaborates with approved companies in the different countries in which it has offices, as they have been selected as preferential markets.

Our company was selected by this organisation to provide implementation and consultancy services to Swiss companies wishing to enter the Spanish market or invest in our country through the creation of a subsidiary. HS Asesores’ extensive experience in helping many foreign companies to establish themselves in Spain over the last few decades, mainly in innovative and technological sectors, has been decisive. During this time they have worked with companies from different European countries, as well as from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil or India. In addition, as with Switzerland, our company is a reference consultant for other national export and investment promotion agencies such as Business Finland, Entreprise Ireland, Business Sweden, the Italian and French Chambers of Commerce.

It has also been approved to provide innovation services to Swiss companies and organisations. Switzerland ranks first in the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) ranking of innovative countries, making it one of the most important R&D&I countries in the world. Its high level of demand in innovative activities, with global companies, makes this collaboration an inspiring challenge for our company.

With this service, HS Asesores will be able to provide support to Swiss companies that want to find partners in the Spanish market, either to export, to validate innovation projects or to invest. We also help with the establishment of subsidiaries in Spain, as well as the selection of personnel, the localisation of companies, advice on tax and financial matters in our country, and the management of their human resources. Besides this, supporting innovation processes, from the idea to the market launch of innovative solutions, defining their business models and value proposition.