Incentives for hiring R&D&I personnel in Spain and other foreign investment incentives

Incentives for hiring R&D&I personnel in Spain and other foreign investment incentives

Following our last post, when we talked about R&D tax incentives in Spain, we would like to introducce other advantages for innovative companies in Spain. There is a Social Security rebate for research personnel. It consists of the application of a 40% bonus on business contributions to Social Security contributions for common contingencies. It is applied immediately month to month in RNT (formerly known as TC2) and your request is voluntary.
Companies that have researchers dedicated exclusively to R&D&I (regardless of the tax classification of the project) may reduce the Social Security contributions payable by these researchers by up to 11.8% of their gross salary.

To qualify for this incentive, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Exclusive dedication to R&D&I (up to 15% of the time may be devoted to other tasks, such as training or dissemination activities). 
  2. Permanent contracts and contribution groups 1 to 4.
  3. Binding Reasoned Report type D must be obtained when 10 or more people are subsidised for more than three months in a fiscal year.

Besides this, those companies that our certified as Innovative SME, can also applied simultaneously the R&D tax rebates.

Moreover, Spain offers a highly attractive tax regime for foreign workers, especially expatriates. If they have not been residing in the country during the five tax periods prior to relocation, they can benefit from:

– A flat personal income tax rate of 24% on income up to €600,000 for the first six years.

– A tax rate of 47% for the first six years if income exceeds €600,000.

– Tax neutrality on income from savings earned abroad.

These taxes are only paid for the income whose origin is Spanish, in comparison with the global income criteria, applied to any other taxpayer in Spain.

Spain provides a tax neutrality regime for corporate restructuring operations, facilitating mergers, spin-offs or other structural reorganisations without incurring tax penalties. This ensures flexibility and efficiency in corporate decision-making processes.

In addition to the broader tax and financial incentives offered by Spain, there are specific geographical advantages and regional incentives that international companies should consider when establishing subsidiaries in the country:

– Spain has several Special Economic Zones (SEZs). They offer additional tax exemptions, incentives and regulatory advantages to companies operating within their boundaries. They are focused on various sectors such as technology or logistics. Companies can benefit from reduced corporate taxes, tariff exemptions, simplified regulatory processes and access to state-of-the-art infrastructure.

– The Spanish government together with regional authorities offer a variety of incentives to encourage investments in specific regions.These incentives aim to promote job creation and industrial growth in these areas. Also, investment projects eligible for regional incentives typically involve the creation of new establishments  or the modernisation of business operations. That means that they may include expenditures on civil engineering, capital equipment or preliminary studies.
Companies interested in benefiting from regional incentives must submit a standardised application form to the competent regional authority responsible for processing such incentives. Once approved, companies receive financial support in the form of non-refundable grants, interest subsidies on loans or reductions in social security contributions.

Therefore, international companies can strategically optimise their investment plans in Spain by taking advantage of location-specific advantages and regional incentives. Wether establishing operations in SEZs or targeting specific regions, companies can minimise costs and maximise returns.

As we can see, for multinational companies, startups and investors seeking a dynamic and innovation driven-environment, Spain offers a strategic and financially rewarding location to thrive in the global market.

Tax incentive schemes in Spain for R&D&I

Tax incentive schemes in Spain for R&D&I

According to the OECD, Spain is one of the most willing countries to promote RDI activities. Through Spain’s approach, the country gets to attract international companies and promote a favourable business environment. Spain maintains the corporate tax (impuesto de sociedades) rate at 23% for small and medium enterprises. That means it is possible to reduce the effective tax rate to approximately 20% through a series of specific incentives and tax exemptions.

Spain has some tax incentives to promote foreign investment and entrepreneurship. About tax incentives for RDI, foreign companies can benefit from:

–  Up to 42% corporate income tax credit for RDI activities.

– In case of insufficient income tax liability, Spanish regulations allow unused tax credits to be carried forward to RDI investments.

– Spain has one of the most advantageous patent box regimes in the EU. Up favourable to a 60% exemption of net income resulting from the use of certain intangible assets transferred or licensed to another entity.

– There are a large number of aid and incentive programs from Spanish and European administrations, with an emphasis on research, development and technology and innovation (RDTI).

The Spanish and European administrations offer numerous aid and incentive programmes, with a particular emphasis on research, development, technology and innovation (R&D&I). These initiatives are aimed at stimulating investment in cutting-edge industries and promoting economic growth. Spain’s tax system is designed to attract international business and investment.

International companies benefit from favourable tax adjustments due to 94 double tax treaties in force on five continents. Also, the ‘participation exemption’ scheme exempts 95% tax on dividends and capital gains of non-resident subsidiaries in Spain. The special tax regime for holding companies (Empresas de Tenencia Españolas – ETVE) allows dividends and capital gains on shares of subsidiaries to obtain a 95% tax exemption.

Companies with large corporate income quotas can reduce this corporate income tax by up to 50%. If a company generates a deduction for R&D&I that it cannot apply due to insufficient or non-existent quota, it has the possibility of accumulating it and applying it for 18 years, and it also has the option of applying to the tax authorities for its payment or monetisation (Art. 39.2 LIS).

This option allows -with a 20% discount- to request the tax authorities to make the tax deduction effective, as it reduces the corporate income tax liability up to 100% and receives the remaining part as a credit.

The deduction is different depending on the classification of the project. If it is classified as Research and Development, the deduction will be between 42% and 25% of the R&D expenditure, with two additional deductions: 17% of the cost of qualified researchers dedicated exclusively to R&D, and 8% of investments in assets dedicated exclusively to R&D. In the first year, the deduction generated can therefore be more than 59% of the R&D expenditure. If the project receives technological innovation tax qualification, the deduction will be 12% of the expenditure incurred on these activities.

There is also the possibility of transferring the right to these deductions to third parties in exchange for a certain return, through operations known as Tax Lease (or Mecenazgo Tecnológico). These operations consist of carrying out the R&D&I project on behalf of an Economic Interest Grouping (EIG), thereby transferring the right to the tax deduction to third parties (investors) who finance part of the project in exchange for obtaining a financial-tax return, as the difference between their contribution to the project and the tax savings derived from the tax losses and the R&D&I deductions applicable to them in proportion to their participation in the EIG. The ownership of the project subsequently reverts to its executor, by means of a repurchase agreement.

The Patent Box (Art. 23 LIS), mentioned above, promotes the assignment or transfer to third parties (in this case, except between related entities) of the right to use and exploit certain Intangible Assets (IA) derived from R&D&I projects. It allows a reduction in the corporate income tax base of up to 60% of the income obtained in these licensing or transfer operations. The intangible assets on which this reduction can be applied to the corporate income taxable base are: patents, utility models, complementary protection certificates for medicines and phytosanitary products, legally protected designs and models deriving from research and development and technological innovation activities, and advanced registered software deriving from research and development activities.

Hernández Sánchez Asesores teams up with Sol Sports Properties to assist foreign clients with tax, employment and accounting queries

Now more than ever,  foreign companies and individuals have the opportunity to set up and remote work from Spain, but are so often put off by Spanish bureaucracy and confusing information surrounding tax, accounting and employment issues.

We often find that foreigners struggle with Spanish bureaucracy and they are not able to cope with the peculiarities that our national legislation has.

We are usually contacted by foreign companies willing to relocate or setting up a branch in Spain, or foreign individuals wanting to move to our country and work remotely for their employers. They know they want to start operating in Spain, but they need expert advice on the procedures and information about the specific requirements.

After Brexit and Covid-19, an increasing number of professionals and global employees have decided to relocate to warmer places and work remotely, but they need to adhere to tax obligations in their new host country. We work on a case-by-case basis to answer all their queries and meet all the needs arising from the obligations of individual taxpayers in an international context.

Besides this, a growing number of companies have gone global, but labour mobility and tax obligations require careful preliminary planning, for both companies and employees.

Our experience in setting up foreign companies in Spain makes everything so much easier for our clients and expedites the process to start their operations in Spain. We coordinate all the necessary requirements with the different administrations and have a network of collaborators that includes all the necessary services (notaries public, translators, engineers, architects, etc.).

Moreover, we are specialised in international business, so we are used to work in multicultural teams. Our value is not only providing professional services, but understanding cultural and language differences too.

Our staff are fluent in several languages, which is why we can offer our foreign clients not only our in-depth knowledge of both the regulations and operations in Spain, but also our know-how of the international context in their own language.

From now on we will collaborate with Sol Sports Properties with their clients’ queries on tax, accounting and market entry issues in Spain. They are specialized on sports companies and foreign individuals investing in Spain. 

¿Qué necesita una empresa extranjera para realizar un proyecto en Noruega?

Cuando recibimos la consulta de una empresa que necesita asesoramiento porque va a desarrollar un proyecto en Noruega, en multitud de ocasiones nos encontramos con que no se ha planificado qué cuestiones administrativas, burocráticas, fiscales y legales se deberán cumplir, puesto que, aunque Noruega forma parte del Espacio Económico Europeo, no es miembro de la Unión Europea.

A la hora de abordar un proyecto en Noruega, se recomienda comprobar junto a un profesional todos los requisitos obligatorios y los reglamentos que deben seguirse. Estas empresas estarán obligadas a registrarse en la Cámara de Comercio temporal para recibir un número empresarial noruego. Deberán de inscribirse en el registro todos los contratos que superen las 20.000 coronas noruegas (aproximadamente 2.000€), y si tiene un subcontratista, debe registrar su empresa y asignación e informar también de esta asignación/contrato.

De no efectuar el registro de la empresa, se tendrá como consecuencias: sus empleados no podrán trabajar en Noruega, no se podrá importar o facturar a Noruega ni cumplir con el registro obligatorio de sus empleados o cumplir con la solicitud de las tarjetas de residencia obligatorias (Green Cards).

Los empleados que vayan a realizar un trabajo en Noruega deben estar registrados para recibir un “número D “noruego. De no ser así, serán considerados como ilegales. Se deberá demostrar mediante el documento “A1” que se encuentra al corriente del pago de la seguridad social de sus trabajadores en su país de origen, o tendrá que pagar la seguridad social del trabajador en Noruega, que supone el 14,1% del salario bruto del trabajador.

Además, aunque los trabajadores no sean residentes fiscales en el país, deberán comunicar a las autoridades los ingresos que reciban durante su estancia. También recibirán una declaración de impuestos en el mes de abril.

Reseñar que algunos trabajos requieren de documentos específicos, así como cualificación certificada.

Cuando el volumen de negocios noruego supera las 50.000 coronas noruegas (unos 5.000€), será obligatorio el registro del IVA en el país. Teniéndose en cuenta lo siguiente: No se puede cobrar el IVA antes de que se complete el registro, deberá efectuarse la presentación bimensual de la declaración de IVA y será posible realizar el pre-registro del IVA cumpliendo requisitos estrictos.

Hay requisitos específicos en la presentación de la factura: Su número de IVA debe estar claramente indicado en la factura debiendo ser expresado en coronas noruegas.

En principio, todas las ganancias obtenidas en Noruega están sujetas a impuestos. Debido a acuerdos fiscales con los países de la UE se evita la doble imposición. El IVA de importación (25%) se pagará en el momento de la importación, a menos que la empresa ya esté registrada con el IVA. Mientras la empresa no tenga un establecimiento permanente en Noruega, quedará exenta de tributación en Noruega.

Dada nuestra amplia experiencia en gestión de proyectos internacionales, si su empresa tiene la posibilidad de conseguir un contrato a desarrollar en Noruega, o ya ha sido adjudicatario, no dude en consultarnos para resolver cualquier duda o servicio en el país que necesite.

La fiscalidad de los vehículos en España

La adquisición de vehículos por parte de profesionales y empresas para destinarlos a su actividad principal es muy habitual. Sin embargo, suele ser una de las principales fuentes de discrepancia con la Agencia Tributaria ¿Sabes qué implicaciones tiene a nivel fiscal?

Te lo explicamos en el siguiente artículo.

En primer lugar, es necesario tener claro que la consideración final de que un vehículo es utilizado exclusivamente para uso profesional corresponde a la Agencia Tributaria. Y es precisamente este grado de afectación a la actividad lo que nos permitirá deducir unas cantidades u otras sobre la adquisición y gastos del automóvil.

Ciertos vehículos se recogen en la legislación como afectos al 100% a la actividad profesional o económica:

– Vehículos mixtos utilizados para el transporte de mercancías. Un vehículo mixto es considerado aquel especialmente dispuesto para el transporte de mercancías y personas (no necesariamente simultáneo) hasta un máximo de nueve, incluido el conductor. Además, se puede sustituir eventualmente la carga, parcial o totalmente, por personas mediante la adición de asientos.

– Aquellos utilizados en el transporte de viajeros mediante contraprestación.

– Aquellos utilizados en la enseñanza de conductores por contraprestación.

– Utilizados en desplazamientos profesionales por representantes y agentes comerciales.

– Utilizados en servicios de vigilancia.

Para el resto de vehículos, la Hacienda podrá exigirte documentación para acreditar dicha afectación si no estuviera de acuerdo con las cantidades que hayas podido deducir. Algunas de las pruebas que pueden presentarse son las referentes a la permanencia del automóvil en un aparcamiento durante la jornada no laboral, el  listado con los kilómetros que se realizan, la rotulación del vehículo, la disponibilidad de un segundo automóvil para fines personales y  la agenda de visitas a clientes y proveedores, por ejemplo.

¿ Cómo afecta a la deducción del IVA?

Las entregas de automóviles están gravadas por el IVA al tipo general del 21%. Podremos aplicar una deducción que corresponderá al 50% si el vehículo es un turismo, ciclomotor o motocicleta y únicamente el 100% en los vehículos especificados en el punto anterior.

Los porcentajes deducibles serán aplicables también en ciertos gastos relacionados con el automóvil, como por ejemplo, el gasto de combustible, las reparaciones y revisiones o los servicios de aparcamiento y peaje, siempre que se cuente con las facturas que los justifiquen y estén debidamente contabilizados.

 ¿Existen diferencias respecto a la deducción en el IRPF?

Para poder realizar deducciones sobre este impuesto relacionadas con el vehículo, éste tendrá que estar afecto al 100%. Sólo en este caso se entenderá a efectos legales que el automóvil es un elemento patrimonial afecto a una actividad económica. En este supuesto, se podrán deducir los costes de adquisición a través de amortizaciones, así como otros gastos relacionados con el vehículo.

Como hemos comentado anteriormente, si hubieras deducido el 100% de los costes sin pertenecer el vehículo a alguna de las categorías de excepción, la Agencia Tributaria podrá solicitarte la información que acredite este hecho.

¿Cómo se deduce del Impuesto de Sociedades?

Si como empresa has adquirido un vehículo, tendrás que tener en cuenta las implicaciones sobre el Impuesto de Sociedades. Contablemente, el automóvil deberá integrarse como parte del inmovilizado de la empresa y su amortización podrá ser un gasto deducible.

En relación a este impuesto, no es requisito que el vehículo sea para exclusivo uso profesional. Si el automóvil es puesto a disposición de un trabajador con fines empresariales y particulares, a medida que el vehículo esté a disposición particular del trabajador, habrá que imputarle una retribución en especie. Los gastos relacionados con el vehículo podrán seguir siendo deducibles, en este caso una parte como gasto empresarial (cuando se destine a la actividad profesional) y la otra como gasto de personal (cuando se destine a uso particular).

La renta en especie del socio o empleado que utiliza el vehículo

Como hemos apuntado, cuando una empresa pone a disposición de algún socio o empleado un automóvil a título gratuito, éste será considerado como una retribución en especie siempre que su uso sea mixto.

Esta retribución se recogerá en el IRPF del contribuyente en la medida en la que disponga del automóvil para fines particulares. Esta retribución en especie será valorada como el 20% del coste anual de la adquisición, y se le sumará un ingreso a cuenta aplicando el porcentaje de IRPF que corresponda.