HS Asesores Contact
If you need any advice or contact us can do in the following ways.

Av. Salamanca, 15 – Ent. D
03005 Alicante – Spain

Telephone: 96 513 14 54
Telephone: 96 592 67 10

Contact HS Asesores
Tax Consultancy Services
Whether you’re a private individual residing abroad who owns real estate or assets in Spain or you’re a resident in Spain who owns real estate or assets in other countries, you should know what your tax obligations are in Spain. At our firm, we work on a case-by-case basis to answer all your queries and meet all your needs arising from the obligations of individual taxpayers in an international context.
HR Services and International Labour Mobility
At present, a growing number of companies has gone global. The implementation of projects in other countries in some sectors may oblige the company to post staff from Spain abroad temporarily or permanently, or vice versa. Training periods are normally required either in Spain or abroad for the staff who will work at these new offices. This type of mobility requires careful preliminary planning that must take into account the applicable employment regulations, as well as the requirements that must be met by companies and workers alike.
Company Incorporation in Spain
Services for foreign companies and individuals. For more than twenty years now, we have also been involved with global operations, either helping Spanish companies to expand their business abroad, or foreign companies to enter the Spanish market. We are the best choice to help you enter the Spanish market with everything covered.